PhD in
This PhD programme addresses the study of education and social sciences in an interdisciplinary context, providing the necessary skills to face research in the theoretical and empirical-experimental field and promoting the development of innovative application practices.
The programme responds to the growing need in international research to develop complex interpretations of socio-cultural and educational systems and to deepen conceptual, theoretical and methodological models. The study plan foresees different activities to ensure that PhD students acquire basic epistemological skills, methodological skills, both qualitative and quantitative, as well as transversal skills.
Students and professors from different countries, different disciplines and scientific fields guarantee the international and interdisciplinary orientation of the programme.
Over the three-year period, several teaching activities are offered: lectures, practical sessions and seminars that aim to develop and illustrate the programme’s subjects and research areas and to focus on the most recent findings in the education and in the social sector.
The main teaching areas are philosophy of science, epistemology of related disciplines, research methodology, currrent questions and methods drawn from the international context.
The cycles of compulsory and optional lectures, workshops and seminars (study plan) are defined by the PhD Course Committee at the beginning of the cycle.
Duration of the programme: 3 years
Courses will be taught in Italian, German and English
Places available: 5 positions with scholarship, 1 position for research assistant, 1 position without scholarship
Campus: Brixen-Bressanone
Tuition fees: € 189 per year
This is a full-time PhD programme and you can choose between two research areas: Education (which includes Pedagogical and Didactics fields) and Social science. The research areas share modules on research epistemology and on qualitative and quantitative research methods.
During the three years, you will have to take part in diversified teaching activities: a series of introductory lessons, workshops and seminars that illustrate and explore in depth the issues and research fields available in the programme and the most recent developments in education and the social sciences.
During your PhD you are required to spend at least three months abroad. You can choose to split your trip abroad into three stays of at least three consecutive weeks each.
Our faculty collaborates with many universities and research centres in Italy and abroad. Among our partners, besides the two Euregio universities of Innsbruck and Trento, are also the universities of Dresden, Hildesheim, Oviedo, Thessaly, Vienna e Vechta.
PhD Programme Coordinator: Prof. Dorothy Louise Zinn (photo)
Student representative in the Lecturer's Committee: Giampaolo Santi
Living in South Tyrol, Housing, Scholarships and more
All you need to know to come to unibz as an international student or exchange student
You can find key information to apply and gain admission to this PhD Programme. For detailed information browse the general and specific calls below.
In order to gain admission to the PhD programme, you will need to have obtained 300 ECTS credit points (Master degree): Master degree (all disciplines); Master degrees according to Italian law previous to the introduction of D.M. 509/1999; Master of Science/Arts or equivalent degrees obtained outside of Italy.
Application deadline: 11/07/2024 (by noon, local time)
Admission interviews: 19/07/2024, beginning at 9:00 am, in presence at the Faculty of Education in Brixen-Bressanone, room A2.01 or via MS Teams. Candidates who make a motivated request by 11/07/2024 can participate in the admission interview online via MS Teams.
Publication of ranking lists: by 05/08/2024
Applicants with scholarship: by 20/08/2024 by noon local time;
Applicants without scholarship: starting from 21/08/2024 until 30/08/2024 by noon local time.
Enrolment: Starting from 21/08/2024 until 31/10/2024
Total positions: 7
Positions with university scholarships: 4
Positions co-funded by DM 629/2024 under PNRR: 1
Positions without scholarship: 1
Positions for Research Assistant: 1
The Research Areas propose various topics that could find a direct connection to ongoing research at the Faculty. Candidates for the programme may model a project based on one of the following topics, but they are also welcome to present their own proposals on unrelated topics, but nonetheless coherent with the Faculty Research Areas.
At this link you can find a list of potential research projects and a short description.
All citizen may apply to be admitted to a PhD:
If the required document is not uploaded by the time of enrolment, the applicant will be enrolled with reservation.
All candidates have to be proficient in at least two of the three languages of the programme: Italian, German, English. Language certification at B2 level (CEFR) in two of the three languages of the PhD programme (Italian, German, English) is a prerequisite for participating in the selection process according to the table of the unibz recognized language certificates.
Knowledge of the language may also be demonstrated by qualifications (secondary school/bachelor/master) related to a programme held entirely in the language to certificate. In this case, Italian and EU candidates must declare this on the pre-enrolment portal, both in the section related to the general application and in the one related to the language certificates. Also non-EU citizens must upload a copy of their diploma and any additional documentation indicating the language of instruction related to the foreign qualification in both sections. Candidates demonstrate their language proficiency in the application portal (in the section “upload language certificates”) after they have created an application in the section “create/manage applications”.
Applicants, who are not able to certify the language level with a certificate referred to in the previous paragraph, can take the language exams offered by the Language Centre at unibz, (in order to meet the minimum language requirements for admission to the degree course you are interested in), information at this link.
Candidates without the certification of language proficiency are excluded from the admission procedure.
Applications to the selection procedure can be submitted from the date of the announcement of the public competition.
Each application is subject to a payment for administrative expenses (30 €). This registration fee cannot be reimbursed under any circumstances.
In order to apply, you need to follow these steps:
Completing the application online is the only way to submit the application. Applications will not be considered if:
It is necessary to upload the required documentation for each PhD programme chosen in the portal. A traffic light system indicates complete/incomplete documentation (missing documents will be marked in red).
Only documents uploaded by the deadline will be evaluated. It is advisable to apply online well in advance and to check the portal regularly to take note of any notes concerning missing and/or incorrect documents.
After the deadline, it will no longer be possible to complete/correct incomplete applications.
The University is not liable if the portal is overcharged, due to the net or to the software itself.
To apply to the PhD programme, applicants must include the documentation listed below. Incomplete applications will be excluded from the competition.
Diploma supplement or the Master degree diploma together with the transcript of records of all passed exams (=certificate with exams list of Master degree):
The above must contain the following information: final grade, exams passed with grade and date of passing, credit points, scientific fields (the latter only for Italian titles), university where the degree was or will be awarded and date of graduation. unibz reserves the right to request a description of the contents of the single courses and/or teaching hours where necessary.
Only one research project can be submitted per application.
For the scholarships funded by PNRR separate ranking lists will be established containing candidates who are also eligible according to the general ranking and who in addition indicated a preference for such scholarships and have a scientific profile that is particularly suited to the specific topics associated to the scholarship.
The project preferences indicated by the candidate are not binding for the purposes of the assignment of the position. It will be the competence of the Selection Commission to assign to the successful candidate the project considered most suitable.
Admission is based on the successful outcome of the selection procedure. The selection procedure consists of the assessment of a research project, which applicants upload to the application portal, and a personal interview.
Those candidates whose project receives a minimum score of 40/60 points will be admitted to the oral examination.
The research project to be submitted/uploaded to the portal contains the following information at the top of the first page:
The research project can be completed in Italian, German or English, according to the free choice of the applicant, and it must respect the maximum length of 10,000 characters using this template, font Times New Roman 11.
Evaluation criteria for the research project
The evaluation criteria of the oral test take into consideration the following criteria:
To be successful in the oral examination, candidates must receive a minimum mark of 40/60.
Date and time of the interview are indicated in the "Deadlines" section of this page. Candidates who make a motivated request by 11/07/2024 can participate in the admission interview online via MS Teams. Requests must be submitted via mail
Composition of the Selection Commission:
Prof. Dorothy L. Zinn chair, Prof. Demis Basso, Prof. Jeanette Hoffmann.
Substitute members: Prof. Vanessa Macchia, Prof. Elisabeth Tauber, Prof. Robert P. Wagensommer.
Fees amount to € 189
In order to confirm your study place, you need to log on to the application portal and pay the tuition fees (€ 189) which includes the provincial tax for the right to study of € 173 and a revenue stamp of € 16. by one of the methods indicated on the portal by the deadline indicated above.
If you do not respect this deadline, you will automatically lose your study place. If, by paying the instalment you have confirmed the study place, there will be no refund of the tuition fees unless you are a non-EU applicant resident abroad and you do not receive the necessary documents from the Italian authorities in your country.
Publication of the call: from 10/06/2024
Application deadline: 11/07/2024 (by noon, local time)
Contact us by phone at +39 0471 012800 or send us an e-mail: