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Libera Università di Bolzano

Insegnamenti offerti - PhD in Mountain Environment and Agriculture

Su questa pagina vengono mostrati gli insegnamenti attualmente offerti nei due semestri (didattica erogata). Non si tratta di una rappresentazione della struttura del corso di studio.

Target: Interessati alla frequenza di corsi singoli, studenti incoming.


Semestre 1

Statistical methods for agricultural and environmental research

4 CFU · 46086 · EN

Dolores Asensio

Luigimaria Borruso

Massimiliano Calvia

Massimo Tagliavini

Damiano Zanotelli

Semestre 1

Advanced Scientific English

3 CFU · 46002 · L-LIN/12 · EN

Graham Francis Burton

Semestre 1

Theory of Scientific Method

4 CFU · 46047 · EN

Hannes Schuler

Semestre 1-2

Final 2nd year report on research progresses for admission to the 3rd year

0 CFU · 46079

Semestre 1-2

Information Literacy

1 CFU · 46051

Semestre 1-2

Presentation of the research plan

0 CFU · 46076

Semestre 1-2

Participation at a national conference as presenting author

0 CFU · 46072

Semestre 1-2

Research activity at Italian Research Institutions

0 CFU · 46085

Semestre 1-2

Final 3rd year report on research progresses for the approval of the thesis draft

0 CFU · 46080

Semestre 1-2

Optional activities 3rd year

0 CFU · 46038

Semestre 1-2

Optional activities 1st year

0 CFU · 46036

Semestre 1-2

Presentation of seminars at unibz or other institutions

0 CFU · 46073

Semestre 1-2

Research stay abroad

0 CFU · 46082

Semestre 1-2

Short course on Fundraising, Intellectual Property Rights and Bibliometrics in Research

0 CFU · 46075

Semestre 1-2

Other university courses

0 CFU · 46077

Semestre 1-2

Final year report for admission to the 2nd year

0 CFU · 46078

Semestre 1-2

Summer schools/workshops

0 CFU · 46084

Semestre 1-2

Participation at an international conference as presenting author

0 CFU · 46065

Semestre 1-2

Optional activities 2nd year

0 CFU · 46037

Semestre 1-2

State of the art seminar

0 CFU · 46031

Semestre 1-2

Attendance of at least 10 seminars

0 CFU · 46081