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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Teaching staff | School-history in South Tyrol

Andrea Vitali

Faculty of Education
Regensburger Allee 16 - viale Ratisbona, 16

Short bio

1996: Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures with a these on Martin Buber's works during the First World War

High school teacher (Italian as a second language)

2014: Diploma in Pastoral Family Ministry School

2015: Ph. D. in Education Sciences (Dissertation on the history of italian School in South-Tyrol during the German Occupation)

Since the acad. year 2020/21 contract lecturer for Italian Literatur (FUB)

Main Research Areas

- Storia formativa dell'Alto Adige, 
storia delle culture tirolesi e delle minoranze linguistiche dell'antico Land Tirol in chiave microstorica
- Lingua, cultura e letteratura italiana
- Teologia