The Library of the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen aims at supporting teaching and research activities in the best possible way while being consistent with applicable copyright laws and policies.
The following FAQs provide you with guidelines on the type of documents that you as instructor may upload to intranet platforms such as the Reserve Collections without violating copyright and/or license agreements.
Yes, of course. Please make sure that you cite all third party contents correctly.
No. Please contact your subject librarian in order to agree on the acquisitions of physical copies to be placed in the physical reserve and/or textbook collection. An alternative might be the acquisition of a library licensed ebook version by the library.
No. Although it is correct that by law you may photocopy up to 15% of a text for personal use, uploading a digital file (e.g. a scan or parts of an e-book) to the Reserve Collections and thus sharing it with others (even if it is done for educational purposes) is not considered “personal use” anymore.
It depends, but usually not. In this case we recommend to put the link to these records in the University Library's catalogue.
It depends, but usually not. In this case we recommend you put the link to this resource in your Reserve Collections.
Absolutely not. Please contact your subject librarian in order to agree on the acquisitions of cases licensed for classroom use.
It depends. Even if you are the (co-)author of an article/book, it can be that the copyright of a publication is held by the publisher. Therefore, being (co-)author does not imply that you own the right to publish or distribute the published text.
If the library does not subscribe the journal your article was published in, please insert your article in boris and give consent to its fulltext transmission to BIA, the Bozen-Bolzano Institutional Archive that gathers the research outcomes of the unibz professors. The library will then take care of the related copyright issues and contact the publisher. Eventually, provided that the publisher agrees, your article will be available on BIA and you may link this resource in the Reserve Collections/OLE.
If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.